Deaf History / Deaf Sign Language

Be clear on what is Deaf Identify!

Here is a video clip from the British Deaf Association.


Identify Issues
In your advocacy, do reference international human rights laws for each key message surrounding the theme.  For more information, visit:

Birth Right
CRPD Article 21.e and 24.3b
Obligates the governments to encourage the learning of sign language and promote the linguistic identity of the Deaf Community.

Deaf Identity
CRPD Article 30.4
Requires the governments to recognise and support specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages and deaf culture.

Equal Language
CRPD Article 2
Makes clear that sign languages are equal in status to spoken languages.

CRPD Article 21.b
Allows deaf people to choose to give and receive official communications in the way they choose,including in sign languages.

CRPD Article 23.3
Requires the governments to provide early and comprehensive information, services and support to children with disabilities and their families, including information about deaf culture, sign language and bilingual education.

Note: CRPD stand for Convention on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities. It is under the United Nations.

Wow – a powerful one for every countries who have signed the  Human Rights Law, BUT not every countries have signed. The website can be found here

The International Sign Language is a message to everyone in the world and to make sure that everyone in the workplaces, the Government, Educations and so on to recognise our Deaf culture, Sign Language and the Culture in the community.

There is a lot of works be done in each countries through Education, Business, Government agencies such as the Court, the Prison System, the Police, Hospital/Health Board and many other agencies. The main problem was people who lacks experience or never meet people/children with disabilities and their urgent needs in Education, Health welfare, even the high cost of getting friendly technology that helps many persons and children with disabilities.

For example – For two years, I visited and taught one Deaf prisoner for his literacy in the prison and I was not entitled to get income  under the Education-Prison System through the Court. I received petrol vouchers only because it was under the volunteer job. Before I took on the board, the staff of the prison advertised the job for this Deaf prisoner and no one will take this job. Because people prefer an income than using petrol vouchers and the other problem was the lack of understanding in teaching any Deaf adult in literacy through sign language.

What I get in return from the prison staff was the safety awareness for myself against other violent prisoners and easily to get access to into the property during the visiting hours. The staff taught me some tools and I gave them something in return on how can I managed to feel the vibrated the entry of the gate instead of the intercom…. The staff requested lessons in sign language and the Deaf culutre especially one book I gave them to read. The book is about Deaf Prison in Texas and there are about 10,000 Deaf people in the prison across the US States. I taught them to learn how to sign for any Deaf prisoner in the past. I also taught the staff to watch out for the ‘slang signs’ which the gangs created their coded signs. It is all about having the equal access to the prison, the rights of working there and to get information between the staff and the Deaf prisoner.

Currently my workplace, we do have ex prisoners including ex gangs who have mental illness, disability or the lack of literacy every day. They visit us – the staff including myself help and assists them for their requests each day. We do have our own Health and Safety environment for all staff.


Promote D/deaf people as unique

September 28, 2018