Deaf History

Christmas season for many Deaf people and children around the world

Happiness is helping others – see Youtube link.

Here are the couple videos clips – Santa and the D/deaf and Hard of Hearing children experience with the Santa in the malls.

Many people who dressed in Santa, who do not realise or thought about using sign language to many D/deaf children in the malls during the Christmas seasons in the past. Because many people who have not come across or never thought what is the best way to communicate with many D/deaf people/children over many years. Let start learning to do sign language so D/deaf children even adults are part of your lives as equal to everyone else. This means many Deaf children won’t be left out about sharing the Christmas messages, songs in sign language and joys in the community as equal to everyone else.

This video from YouTube showed you about one business – Pflugerville, TX community surprised one Deaf family who their house needs many repairs jobs and falling to pieces etc.

I know many people who are worried about financial, money to spend on getting Christmas presents and foods for the family gathering every year.  I see many people who have lost their jobs, homes, return to drug and drinking, dying on the roads from vehicle accidents, too many people are fighting, wars, bad weather etc every year. Let face it! what about homeless people, ex-drug addict people, low-income people here!

Here is the article dated 1994 and it came from the Deaf Counselling

Quick Estimates of Addiction Statistics (McCrone, 1994)

Out of 28+ million Deaf people in the US:
200,000 alcoholics
3,505 heroin addicts
31,915 cocaine users
5,105 crack users
97,845 marijuana users

In New Zealand, we don’t have the actual figure of how many Deaf people or Deaf people with children who are homeless because they don’t have the physical address. My workplace, we do have a small number of mental illness along with disabilities visit us for their request on food banks, seeking bits of help such as counselling, budget, shower and a kitchen meal at lunchtime.

One of the people with disabilities I  am dealing with is a deaf mother of 10 children (mostly are stepchildren and fewer are her natural children) from adult to teenagers. She is looking for a home on her own, in spite, many rental properties refused to take her on the board because of her bad payments more than ten years ago. BUT for the last eight or seven years, her benefit paid directly to the current landlord’s account without problems. Yes, she had lived in the street, in the car and sleepover with good friends for a very short-term many years ago. She told me that she does not want to repeat this again today.

However, I am really pissed off with many rental properties and landlords who don’t take them in the homes. BUT I do know that there are real issues from the landlords such as payment missed out, drugs and booze or a bad credit check. The reality that there are thousands or more than 20,000 homeless people/people and families out there.

Many Deaf people miss out Christmas seasons if they don’t have financials, money for their children while other Deaf people managed to move on with their lives.
What deaf children in developing countries? If you ever thought about them?

Decide to start fund raising

November 28, 2018