Deaf History



We did it!

One person who has disabilities and she thought why people with disAbilities have to pay more on bus fares to the hospital regularly, living on low income such as benefit, traveling from the rural to the city more often and other issues.

The person with disAbilities is Joy, and she approaches us in our disAbility advocacy group. we sat down and listen to her via interpreter for I am deaf advocator for the Deaf community. We agreed to support her and the plan was to approach the Hamilton City Council, Waikato Regional Council, and the Bus company several years ago.

Joy came up with signing the petitions and went around the disAbility community.  The city council, regional council, and the bus company listened to her and the community. From there, they worked together on how can they support us in the city of Hamilton along with local rural towns around Waikato.

Finally, we won the battle last year and a couple of weeks ago we have new busit card which called Accessibly Concession card. We, people with disAbilities do not have to pay the bus fares around Waikato. Two of the Deaf with other disAbilities people I am supporting, now have got Accessibly Concession Busit card.

Well done!