Deaf Sign Language

International Week of the Deaf 2019


Coming up next week from 23rd to 29th September 2019. It is called an International Week of the Deaf which we – Deaf people celebrate our unique sign language, Deaf culture and history. We ask you to join with us as equity within the communities, workplace, healthcare services, education and of course the Government.

The detail can be found through the World Federation of the Deaf. World Federation of the Deaf

Reach out and influence as many governments as possible to legally fulfil their obligations.

Promote D/deaf people as unique in having both perspectives of disAbility and linguistic minority and that sign language and Deaf culture strengthens multilingualism and are means of promoting, protecting and preserving the diversity of languages and cultures globally.

Emphasise sign language as a critical prerequisite to the full realisation of human rights for D/deaf people. Early access to sign language and services in sign language, including quality education available in sign language, is vital to the growth and development of the D/deaf individual and critical to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals.

Stress “Nothing about us, Without us” when working with Deaf communities, the principle ‘Nothing about Us, Without Us’ must be integrated.

I will continue to post blogs, video and photos each day from Monday 23rd.


an anon person from the Facebook site. 




Sign Language Rights for All

September 13, 2019