Deaf with other disabilities/disability

Deaf poem




A bright orange and black butterfly fluttering in the air.

Free as last.

Hovering over many green leaves and bottlebrush seed cones in silence as breeze surrounding a bright butterfly in the high tree.

No longer a yellow and black caterpillar who keep eating, eating and eating many leaves and foods they find until they are full.

Trapped inside the cocoon until they are ready to transform into the most beautiful butterfly in the world.

Imagine many children/people with disabilities including Deaf children/people beginning trapping so long.

Make them come out – feeling alive and have the freedom they never explore out there. Just like the butterfly fluttering around in the air.

To embrace something out there they long to desire for!

Let the children with disabilities/Deaf learn themselves and become independent out in the world.

Do not put the barrier up making their life miserable and unaccessible. Do not discriminate many Deaf people and their first language – sign language.

Here is one of the sign language – The Butterfly Hands in Auslan (Australia Sign Language) video (YouTube). Beautiful and feel alive to watch his signs freely.