History of NZSL

John Dyott – Deaf sniper in the UK

Trying to pinpoint so many Deaf people in history. How about John Dyott of United Kingdom? Did you know he was the excellent sniper during the English Civil War?

Mm, John Dyott formally knows by another name Dummy Dyott, born deaf to an influential family in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England. John was unable to speak,, and his family called him ‘Dummy’ as a nickname. His family served many wars, and male family members were good at shooting, snipers and hunting. John had a brother called Richard, later Sir Richard Dyott. Sir Richard Dyott – British MuseumPortrait, HL facing front, wearing a dark doublet with a lacy ruff tied with tasselled strings, short, curly brown hair, a pointed beard and moustache; a crest of a lion in upper l corner.  Mezzotint


John determined to follow the male members that he can shoot and he practices shooting in the woods.

The English Civil War came in 1643, John had volunteered for the local militia and prepared to defend his village and his king. Richard and John went up to the Gothic Cathedral during the Siege of Lichfield on the 2nd of March 1643. Note Richard his brother was a spotter for John. John needs no distracted for he was deaf in the silent world, and he aimed at Richard Greville-Lord Brooke down from the top of the centre spire. John shot a single bullet through Lord Brooke’s left eye to his death on the ground. Stalkers and Shooters: A History of Snipers


John married Katherine – a deaf woman, and it was the possible first time to have a recorded of intermarried – both of them were deaf. There was no picture of John Dyott or his wife with a child.

During my research, there is another website which mentions John married Elizabeth Bailey when he was 80 years old. It was incorrect because he died in 1664.

In other information, I came across John and Katherine have a son called Anthony. This information came from “A survey of Staffordshire, containing the antiquities of that county” By Sampson Erdeswick.

There is a short video from BSL Zone and it retracted the life of John Dyott.

John Dyott – from BSL Zone programme