Deaf Christian Ministries

History of the Deaf Christain Ministries

The four different religious groups which are Islamic, Christain, Buddhists and Jewish, pointed out and firmly believe that all disabled people, including Deaf people, play essential roles within the churches and their communities.

The words – disability such as D/deaf, blind, leper written in the gospels that Jesus lived among with these people with disabilities. Jesus serves them to be humble towards them made Jesus more significant in the eyes of God.

For example, In Graeco-Roman culture, many disabled people were under the care of slaves – The Twelve Tables – 450 B.C


The Cambridge Ancient History sets the context for the Twelve Tables: The Twelve Tables.

In the Jewish culture, Jewish people constrained to support weaker people and to accept them as fellow human beings such as anyone should help disabled people, even Deaf person to become independent.

In these four religions – churches show everyone that disabled/D/deaf people have the role of teaching others humility and charity and is vital for a peaceful life with respect and love for each other.

The earliest churches for the Deaf dating back to 19th century.

  • Christ United Methodist Church of the Deaf in Baltimore, Maryland established in 1895
  • Rev. Thomas Gallaudet (the son of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet) in1852 (St. Ann’s Church for the Deaf, New York, USA
  • All Souls Church for the Deaf of Philadelphia (established in 1888) and the first Deaf minister/pastor -Henry Syle. Henry Syle ordained in 1876.
  • Saint Teresa de Cartagena, a nun who lived in 15th-century Spain. She lost her hearing when she was a young child.
  • Bishop Joseph Rosati of St Louis Missouri, USA, the sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon and St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf, in 1836-1837 and St. Joseph’s Academy St Louis, in 1840. 
