History of NZSL

Inclusive Sign Language Environments


National sign languages secure the full inclusion of deaf people in their societies!

This inclusion starts at an early age with bilingual education for deaf learners in national sign languages and national written languages with deaf peers, following a curriculum that maximises the full learning potential of deaf children taught by teachers fluent in the national sign language. Quality and inclusive education is crucial to empower and enable deaf people to become active contributors in their societies and communities. 

This inclusion through sign language must take place not only in schools but also in the family home. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that governments provide families of deaf children with free instruction in their national sign languages throughout the child’s schooling. The acquisition of a sign language from an early age is crucial to develop the literacy and cognitive capacities of deaf children. 

For deaf people to be able to realize their self-determination in accessible societies, it is crucial that a wide range of services are available directly in national sign languages. These include, among others, health services, social services, media, workforce, education services, and government services. 

Bilingual inclusive education in the national sign language and national spoken language is crucial to ensure our inclusion in society. Highlight the need for sign language education to your leaders. Find out more tomorrow with the Global Leaders Challenge ! But first, endorse our Charter on Sign Language Rights for All.

I will do some more later on.