Deaf Culture / Deaf Sign Language

Equal Opportunities for ALL Deaf People


An inclusive employment environment in sign language is the cornerstone that enables deaf people to thrive and reach their full potential in order to maximise their participation and contribution to society.

This inclusion and participation in society is underpinned by government-funded qualified and accredited sign languages interpreters, as well as multilingual workplaces which use national sign
languages. Therefore, sign language training programs need to be established and developed with the leadership of deaf people through their representative organisations.

Government-funded sign language interpreting services must be available for deaf people in all areas of life!

Equal opportunities for all deaf people means for all underrepresented groups of deaf people as well, including deaf women. Deaf women and girls are under-represented and are at risk of facing intersectional discrimination due to their gender, disability and linguistic minority status.

Therefore, everyone – including representative organisations of deaf people – must pay attention to the specific situation of deaf women and implement precise measures to safeguard gender equality, diversity and equal participation in all decision-making processes in their society and within their organisations.

This year’s Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the dire lack of access of deaf people to life-saving public health information in their national sign languages. Furthermore, sexual and reproductive health care, as well as health prevention programmes including psychiatric care and psychotherapy must be accessible to deaf people in their national sign languages.  Access to health services is not only about Deaf Communities.  This access ensures the health of all communities.

Equal opportunity for all means all services must be designed with the leadership of deaf people through their representative organisations. What does that mean? Let’s find out by endorsing the Charter on Sign Language Rights for All!

Deaf Leadership

September 26, 2020