Deaf Culture / Deaf Sign Language

Deaf Leadership


The motto of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is “Nothing about us without us”. It means that any initiative undertaken in favour of deaf people must be done in close
consultation with them through their representative organisations at every stage. Knowledge empowers deaf people and allows them to be agents of change in their societies.

Deaf people know better than anyone what we need and how to achieve our goals. Deaf people have organized and advocated for our rights for over two centuries, and Deaf Communities throughout the
world are part of an expansive interlocking network of local, regional, national and global organisations which seek to promote human rights through sign languages.  The WFD is the world’s largest international uni-disability association with 125 member countries, consisting of representative national associations of deaf people.

This network of deaf-led organisations across the globe shows the importance of deaf organisations leading the way for equal access for all. It is important to provide sufficient funding, capacity building,
and empowerment to deaf organisations to ensure they are able to exercise their leadership and advisory roles. These organisations must promote inclusive and intersectional values, ensuring the views of all members of our diverse deaf communities are part of our advocacy work.

Yet, to be able to receive adequate and meaningful funding in accordance with the reality of the situation faced by deaf people, it is necessary to provide quality, harmonised and reliable data on deaf people disaggregated by gender, age, education, sign language proficiency, disability and employment.

It is only through sign languages that deaf people are able to stand firm and achieve their human rights.

The right to sign language is the most fundamental human right of the deaf people! What are human rights? How can sign languages be a part of human rights? 
Read the Charter on Sign Language Rights for All!