Deaf History

International Day of (Dis)Abled Persons – 3rd December 2022

This year’s theme is “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world “. 

Quote from the website

“The annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on 3 December was proclaimed in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.

The 2022 global observance to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities will be around the overarching theme of innovation and transformative solutions for inclusive development, covering in three different interactive dialogues the following thematic topics:

  • Innovation for disability inclusive development in employment (SDG8): this dialogue will discuss the linkages between employment, knowledge and skills required to access employment in an innovative, rapidly changing technological landscape to all and how assistive technologies can increase accessibility to employment and be mainstreamed in the workplace.
  • Innovation for disability inclusive development in reducing inequality (SDG10): this dialogue will discuss innovations, practical tools and good practices to reduce inequalities in both public and private sectors, which are disability inclusive and interested in promoting diversity in the workplace.
  • Innovation for disability inclusive development: sport as an exemplar case: a sector where all of these aspects coalesce; sport as a good practice example and a site of innovation, employment and equity.”

There is another website that contains the disability strategy

The upcoming awareness day on the 3rd of December is the International Day of People with disabilities. Every year we, people with disabilities, D/deaf with disabilities, and D/deaf people, raise or celebrate our awareness for the community worldwide. 

I am looking at the three areas: employment, reducing inequality and sport as an exemplar case. 

The key points are:- Role models

  • Environment and Climate
  • prevent discrimination in the workplace and the community
  • Opportunity and access

Anyone who needs social skills, such as the goal of helping organisations and sport environment encourage many disabled people and children, D/deaf children, and D/deaf with disabilities children. It requires good communication, allowing them to become independent and work with others in the workplace, schools, and community. The attributes and skills of commitment, communication, concentration, control, and confidence are crucial. 

In societies anywhere in the world, we have no/limited access and equality in work, education, church, health, receiving income, human rights, and our choice. 

Presentation in Waikato – Sport Waikato and Waikato Regional Council, NZ

“Psychological barriers listed by disabled people include: personal perception, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, negative body image and the perception of others. Lack of confidence and self-belief prevent many disabled people from even considering taking part in physical activity and sport”.

Consider ALL designers, architectures and constructions, planners, IT developers and IT programmers. For example, Infrastructure architecture and Universal Design (Inclusive Design). Why not make the technologies more accessible, simple languages, flow patterns, and the building, parks, and stadiums like Infrastructure and Universal Design more accessible for physical disabilities and sensory disabilities?

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How much have we achieved in these three areas so far? Have we made the project happen yet? 

In New Zealand, we are making awareness from time to time, but slowly and delayed. Yes, there was a submission for the Accessibility Bill 2022. However, it is looking weak in the cabinet area of the Government and lacks making more roadshows and outreach to the broader disability sectors than picking several disability sectors. Because there were too many criticise comments from the wider disability sectors. 

There is one positive news in the Waikato area, and it is called the Magical Bridge Playground. This project is doing well so far, and I support this project.

Google Inc announced the Microsoft Team app using sign language interpreters in separate viewing. That was a positive start, but what about Twitter?

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The growing awareness in the audio description, mm, wait a minute what about Deafblind people, Blind people would need audio description from the sign language interpreter!

Mm, there are several good news out there than plenty of negative information from other countries that they have yet to achieve much they want to make it happen.