Deaf History

“Building Capacity Across the Globe”

Day Two

Around the world, millions of deaf people still lack access to fundamental human rights. The WFD has inaugurated a 60+ country project intending to build capacities in deaf communities across the Globe, particularly in the 60+ UN Member States that do not have national associations of deaf people. Join us in supporting deaf communities in these countries by hosting awareness-raising events on deaf lives around the world in your local communities, by supporting deaf communities in the global south, and by donating to WFD’s work here.

Our Vision

Full inclusion and equality for deaf people in society through Sign Languages. 

Our Work

Our work involves breaking down barriers to the inclusion and participation of deaf people in all areas of society, focusing on Global South Countries. We require advocacy work within the UN system, capacity building on leadership and human rights, sign language rights counselling, guidance and advocacy on the right to inclusive education in the national sign language, deaf awareness, promoting the cultural-linguistic minority discourse and bringing out the voice of the most marginalised minorities within deaf communities such as deaf LGTBQIA+, deaf BIPOC, deaf women and girls.

Support the Human Rights of deaf people.

WFD is an organisation that is a registered recipient of donations with an ambitious strategic plan and big goals for the future to achieve deaf persons’ human rights. By becoming a donor, you can contribute to achieving our goals and advancing our mission.

It is absolutely crucial that we prioritise building capacity on a global scale to strengthen and fortify the skills, instincts, abilities, processes, and resources that both organisations and communities need not only to survive, but also thrive in a world that is constantly changing at breakneck speed. Regrettably, D/deaf individuals and those with disabilities are falling behind in the fast-paced realm of technology and innovation. To effectively tackle this issue head-on, we must mobilise all available and additional resources, including technology development, financial resources, and capacity building. Developed countries must also follow through on their official development assistance commitments to ensure progress for everyone.