Deaf History

What a Day so far!

“When Life puts you in tough situtations, Don’t say, “Why me? Say, “Try Me.”

I woke up with a bit of nagging pain in the right side of my body (from the neck via shoulder down to arm.) this morning. It was an annoying way to start on a Monday for work. Yes, my fatigue went into the tired mode, making it more challenging to concentrate despite my age 60 years old. The top specialist of the Waikato Hospital diagnosed my symptoms several years back – Disc Degeneration of the Cervical spine with Radiculopathy and they told me I would be living with this symptom for the rest of my life.

Some days are exemplary, and other days are worst whenever I go through daily life, such as doing the projects, working, Zoom Meetings, reading, and video chats with the D/def people for their requests or routine checks for their well-being, and the lists goes on.

The weather has been unpleasant, and it was raining at odd times, with several winds and cold today. I let our dogs out for their run as they chased rabbits and did their toileting. One thing that lit my mood was seeing the yellow daffodils displayed in the fields to brighten up the gloomy and grey weather.

I turned on the television; there was ongoing drama on the news about Trump and his possible assassination in the USA. Oh, bother him. I was uninterested in this news for Trump, and his drama continues.

I checked my funding projects, and there was no movement in donations or increases in the number of backers. Reaching the target amount is only halfway done, but there are also several pledges.
I will have to rethink the plan, but I still need more money to pay the backers for the promotions. Note the projects are still on hold until the funding is complete and my health improves for travelling and scanning many newspapers. A nice generous donation will do than keeping up to date, and it is only thirty-five days to go. I considered buying a lotto, but it could be a waste of money. My partner and I previously won small lotto cash, but only a little money. We wish to win something like a $1 million prize and do so with a $1 million prize in our minds and for the community like the charities.

Oh, bother, it is time for my bedtime. I wonder whether tomorrow is a good or bad day, depending on my shooting nerves on the right side. Pray, I hope to have a good night’s sleep. But who knows!

Here is the link for the funding page – Kickstarter

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